Why this beauty healing work is so magical
I had a little troll encounter last week. I posted a reel that was a video of my skin up close after I had taken an Epsom salt bath and did some massage and Gua Sha. I was glowing and freshly smoothed (if I do say so myself).
I used the video to make a reel that I thought was funny “when they think you’ve had botox but you just have wicked RBF and choose to prioritize your Gua Sha, massage and stress management.”
Knowing that my people know me I thought they’d have a chuckle but someone who hasn't ever seen my work before swooped in and bombed the comments a bit and got attack-y one of my followers who is an incredibly sweet and talented face yoga specialist of many years.
She made sure to credit my beautiful skin to genetics. And I’m not saying she’s fully wrong but genetics are definitely not the whole picture....
Eventually I got into DMs with this person, and I uncovered her beef:
She felt that I was saying that if you have wrinkles (especially earlier in life) then that means you didn’t take care of yourself.
That I’m saying wrinkles are a failure. That there are some wrinkles that are so deep they can’t possibly be smoothed.
And that I’m saying if your skin is weathered or “aged” then you have harmed or neglected yourself in some way (I’m totally paraphrasing).
She wanted to call out the “genetics” piece to take me down a peg or two and let other women know that I have something else contributing to my skin’s state so that they don’t feel badly about themselves...
OKAY… don’t worry I have a knack for sweet talking trolls once they realize what I’m all about and I’m actually so grateful for the encounter…
First of all I thanked her for letting me know my piece of content could be perceived this way, but that it wasn’t my intention. I then explained to her that I see she doesn’t follow me, or know my work AT ALL and it’s not possible to understand this in one single soundbite, and that my literal entire mission in life is to help women love themselves, to make space for themselves for self-care, healing time, and have a more self-loving and accepting relationship.
The practices I use to help women arrive here happen to be really effective in improving your skin and overall wellness. But that's a by-product.
The more you show up for you and absolutely drench your cup ~ your skin will GLOW. When you meditate, relax, touch your face, carve out time for gua sha, ease and reflection, you radiate that juicy nourishment. Your heart and soul are like YES GIRL WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? Your body feels so safe that it heals, repairs, and rejuvenates. I can’t help this!
Your wrinkles and expression lines are not “failures” in my mind by any means. I certainly don’t see mine that way. Your weathered or tired skin doesn’t mean that you’ve done anything wrong. You’ve lived, you’ve loved, you’ve lost and evolved. And you know that I encourage all of you to have a HEALTHY-ASS DOSE of accepting what you can’t change, while also improving and maintaining what you can (within the realm of reality). And to be fair, never have I ever said that I can help you eliminate ALL wrinkles. That's like me being like “take this supplement you will live forever."
Can you smooth and soften them? Yes totally. Can you eliminate some? Yeah for sure! They might come back but your skin and fascia are like putty lol.
I’m more interested in helping you have a radiant glow, a vibrant energetic complexion that genuinely comes from healthy flow and rest. Helping you move out stagnant fluid that's weighing you down. Helping your body create more collagen and elastin for that bounce bounce baby.
Do I care about your laugh lines being deep? No, not really. I don't really bother trying to smooth mine, I smile too damn much. But my muscle awareness and RBF helps me reduce excessive lines and not forcing myself to emote when I don't feel like it helps. And also asking for help and support reduces those heavy 11 lines of carrying the weight of the world on our shoulders.
Your true face is a result of your self-honoring and perfection isn’t the goal (I battle with this but I’m trying!). Don’t miss the forest for the trees.
And you know what, no I haven’t always taken such great care of myself. I don’t feel I need to explain this, but I have spent years of my youth neglecting myself and being in an abusive situation and processing a ton of grief, and trauma.
Self-care has been my way back home to myself. And it shows. And I'm not sorry. And I’m here to help you improve your skin via DEEPENING YOUR SELF-CONNECTION AND HEALING - regardless of your good or bad “genetics.”
Thank you troll for the fuel, and reminding me who the f*ck I am and WHY I do this work… AND EXACTLY why I created BLOOM...
A 4-week self-care immersion to awaken your beauty, vitality and reconnect to your feminine essence.
Some of the benefits you'll experience:
❀ A brighter, more vibrant complexion
❀ Smoother, more hydrated and toned skin
❀ Less fluid retention and puffiness reduced dark under eye circles and eye-bags.
❀ A soft expansive forehead, a relaxed jaw, and a naturally more contoured face.
❀ An overall more lifted, energetic and youthful appearance
❀ Improved mood and more restful sleep
❀ Enhanced connection to your true essence, your innate feminine energy, softness, serenity, and self-love.
❀ Boosted levels of oxytocin, aka "the love hormone" Which makes your body and mind feel safe, loved, and cared for.