Awaken your beauty, soften, and BLOOM 🌷

What if I told you that the vibrant, glowing skin you desire is a result of doing LESS, not more?

That allowing yourself to soften, relax, and nurture yourself is literally THE beauty secret everyone is searching for?

That gentle, low-key, consistent facial massage, and Gua Sha are WAY more effective in rejuvenating your skin and slowing aging than virtually ANY product you could ever buy?

That your hands, your presence, and your intention are your most powerfully healing beauty tools?

That “beingness” and reconnecting to your feminine essence, and your ability to receive, is the youth elixir?

That you CAN move from feeling depleted, and looking like you’re aging rapidly to looking and feeling vibrant, energized, and lovingly restored?

You may not believe me yet, but stick with me…

Consider this natural phenomenon: Your body is a self-healing, self-repairing system. If that weren’t true, you wouldn't be here, reading this! 

Your body only heals, repairs, and regenerates in a calm, relaxed, safe, chill, parasympathetic state. 

And it will use anything in its environment to help itself heal. It’s always looking for opportunities! 

Facial massage, Gua Sha, movement, meditation (and deep girl-time) are HEALING to your system: body, mind, soul and face.

By creating intentional space for softness, self-touch, and relaxation, you’re improving your skin and overall wellness.

By practicing facial massage, Gua Sha, deep presence, and movement you’re nourishing yourself fully, and promoting healing.

Through re-connecting to your feminine essence, your beingness, you’re allowing a shift into the fullest expression of your unique beauty.

Placing focus on YOU first, so that you can live from a space of juicy overflow for others…

So that you can soften, and BLOOM…



A 4-week self-care immersion to awaken your beauty, vitality and reconnect to your feminine essence

Reveal your radiance through guided self-massage, Gua Sha, movement, meditation, and deep self-nurturing.

Some of the benefits you'll experience:

❀ A brighter, more vibrant complexion

❀ Smoother, more hydrated and toned skin

❀ Less fluid retention and puffiness reduced dark under eye circles and eye-bags.

❀ A soft expansive forehead, a relaxed jaw, and a naturally more contoured face. 

❀ An overall more lifted, energetic and youthful appearance 

❀ Improved mood and more restful sleep

❀ Enhanced connection to your true essence, your innate feminine energy, softness, serenity, and self-love. 

❀ Boosted levels of oxytocin, aka "the love hormone" Which makes your body and mind feel safe, loved, and cared for. 


4 WEEKS: Meeting once per week via zoom for a live, guided session.

DATES: We begin Wednesday March 20th and end Wednesday April 10th.

HELD WEDNESDAYS at 12pm EST. Each session will be approximately one hour to an hour + 15 minutes and will be recorded. 

Dates/times subject to change but unlikely!

Sessions include grounding, clearing vibration-raising meditation, gentle body opening, stretching, aligning flows, facial massage, intentional touch, and facial Gua Sha practice and discussion. 

What to bring to each session:

  • Comfy clothes 

  • Clean face, neck, and hands 

  • A facial mist or water 

  • Your favorite facial oil and/or balm (I love vegetable derived squalene oil, and 100% shea butter) 

  • A Gua Sha tool (one with “teeth” or a “comb edge” is recommended)

  • A small towel or cloth to wipe your hands on 

  • Water to drink

  • Journal (optional)


Why this beauty healing work is so magical


Your path to beauty is softness