the REAL reasons I'm anti-botox/filler...

Botox and fillers just can’t do what facial Gua Sha and massage can for your skin and body.

I’m not just “not into them” because they’re dangerous (which they are, please stop normalizing it). It’s not my soapbox for that reason…

I legitimately feel heavy injection use is not in your favor aesthetically for aging “well”

Here are the reasons I think massage and Gua Sha are literally just superior for results:

Botox and fillers:
- Don’t enhance fluid movement or help your skin/tissues metabolic processes. They actually slow them which ages you faster on a cellular level and dulls your skin.
- Increase puffiness, stagnation and skin distention.
- Adding volume and weight to the face where you don’t want it.
- Create a hardened, waxy-like appearance to the skin making your face appear mask-like.
- Permanently affect neurological physiology and the way your muscles work in harmony.
- Do nothing to promote regeneration of collagen and elastin.

Massage and Gua Sha
- Facilitate internal flow, blood circulation, fluid movement, enhanced oxygen and nutrient supply to tissues and cells for RADIANCE, cell longevity and vitality.
- Breaks the sticky internal bonds of fascia to smooth and hydrate the skin and reduce excess volume and skin hardening, keeping you soft and supple and playable.
- Natural contouring, skin smoothing and less fluid accumulation, for a more toned appearance (this is a big one in terms of why it’s superior to Botox and fillers)
- Relaxes your system, allowing your body to properly heal and regenerate
- Stimulates collagen and elastin production.
- Relieves tension and stress, giving you a softer, more easeful appearance (because you are)

Join BLOOM ~ a four week, self-care immersion to awaken your beauty, vitality, and connect to your feminine essence.

Reveal your radiance, through guided massage, Gua Sha, movement, meditation, and deep self -nourishment.

Join before Wednesday March 13th and get my course Facial Gua Sha for Health and Beauty totally free!!!


Doing less to become magnetic 💫


Why this beauty healing work is so magical