This will energize you: Focus on loving how you look right now...
Try this energizing practice:
focus on loving how you look right now...
vs how you think you "should" look
There is such beauty in embracing WHAT YOU ARE in this moment. Sometimes we get fixated on what we think we "should" be, how we "should" look. How we would look if we made XYZ different life choices.
This is an energy drain. Do you want to be the woman who spends her energy thinking about what she "should" be, or the woman who is deep into who she IS, and what she has right now?
Now, I'm all for slow-aging beauty-enhancing practices like facial massage and Gua Sha. In fact, I see them as a divine expression of self-love and beauty celebration! But sometimes we need to remember that what we have is worth enjoying and relishing in.
It's not always about striving to improve. There is beauty in the "being"...
When you start focusing on what you are vs what you are not, you will feel your energy begin to return to you.
~ First think about something that you often fantasize about being different... (no judgement here)
~ Now think about something that you HAVE. Something you really love about yourself...
Admire your lips, eyes, eyebrows, hair, skin, whatever feature you deeply appreciate.
Which feels better in your body?
Which makes your heart expand?
Which makes your heart contract?
What feels more energizing?
Which feels more depleting?
Your energy is precious, and your soul is asking you to love and appreciate your beautiful self, right now in this moment. EVEN if you're struggling to accept certain aspects, try shifting your focus into a soft, loving appreciative gaze.
If you'd like deeper, personalized support, I’ve opened up my schedule for one-on-one virtual support sessions. I’m here to help you navigate through all aspects of your beauty-image-healing-journey and return to the highest vibrational expression of your unique beauty.
Thanks for being here!
Love, Krista