Doing less to become magnetic 💫

Ep. 23 - Becoming magnetic by shifting into neutral and staying in your feminine energy.

I've was so excited to share this episode with you because I think it will be SO helpful! 

This episode is all about:  

- How to stay in your feminine in your business and relationships: preventing burnout, frustration, and tapping into the infinite source of authentic creativity. 

- How to become a MAGNET by doing less, letting go of the outcome, creating polarity with your clients. 

- How being a high highs/low lows person is burning you out. How to shift into smoldering, sustainable excitement and passion while being less vulnerable to the moods of others or feeling like you always need external validation.

- How caring for your nervous system is the most critically important aspect to your feminine health, beauty, hair, thyroid, adrenals, skin, energy, all of it. 

- Shifting into a "neutral gear" as "the beauty way"  



Are your priorities straight?


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