The new pressure to “be in your feminine” properly

There's a new episode of embodied beauty! and it's all about:

- Why you may feel like you’re “doing feminine energy wrong” or don’t resonate with the way it’s depicted in the media.

- Why you may be holding yourself to toxic beauty standards, and subconsciously looking to appeal to the wounded masculine - perpetuating the cycle of fear and anxiety around beauty and body image.

- What the Venus lifestyle is truly is all about: infusing beauty into every inch of your life.

- Why you’re having trouble striking the balance between working and having impact while also “being in your feminine”

- Why you’re not seeing the universe as a provider and feel insecure about money or resources.

- Why you struggle with authority, structure, loving self-discipline and boundaries or knowing when and how to turn off for the day.

- How to work with your energy and ask questions to understand what’s coming up to be healed and shifted.


The double edged sword of beauty


A blanket of all new hair growth in three weeks?