Holding the paradox & embodying your light and dark aspects ~ lunar eclipse

Happy Venus day beauties ~ wow that was a wild week. I told the ladies who joined crystallize that I had been crying spontaneously for the past three days before the session. SO much processing. And many of you have also, it seems… 

First off, I’ve been LOVING all your feedback on these blogs. This is definitely the place where I feel the freest sharing the deepest darkest stuff. Sometimes I get a bit of a vulnerability hangover afterwards but knowing that my experiences support you makes me feel so connected to you, and that’s what this is ALL about! 

Tomorrow is a full moon and lunar eclipse (yes that’s why conversations have been so intense lately). Another chance to let go ~ and fully embody new concepts. Especially concepts such as what is “light” and what is “dark” (so fitting for an eclipse moment).  

The concept that I’ve been really grooving on lately is embracing both sides of ourselves (light/dark) and the full spectrum in between. 

I’m currently in an intimate mastermind called Of Beauty with some wonderful women in the beauty-healing space. This week I did a lot of crying on the call, sobbing, releasing, sharing. And one of the things I was sharing with the group was how I have such a challenging and complex relationship to beauty. 

I’m in the stage of defining and deciding what is beautiful to me, from a deep internal place. I’ve spent a lot of my life rejecting and resisting my own beauty and now I’m re-writing that story and reclaiming it. 

I was sharing about how when I was 16 I had a breast reduction (many of you know my drama with this) and then in my late 20s I got modest breast implants. This was my way of feeling powerful, feeling restored, feeling like I was re-claiming something for myself after making a big decision as a very young person. 

But oftentimes even now I get SO hung up on being totally natural that I give myself shit for having them. Even though it’s been years now, and I’m really happy with them… I still find myself being obsessed with the perfectionism of being COMPLETELY natural. 

On that same call we were contemplating “medicine” and what medicine is. And one of the things that came through is that medicine is often the opposite, and it’s not always “natural”. It’s something that’s meant to bring harmony and balance. To restore one’s self into wholeness. 

My implants - although not natural - brought me balance at a time where I was dysphoric and traumatized. Briana Pharos said that true healers know how to hold the paradox (this blew my mind). I now see myself as EMBODYING (and holding) THE PARADOX. I can be a natural, health-promoting, wellness oriented practitioner and mentor and ALSO have had life experiences. Being 100% natural isn’t my goal any longer and I just love this freeing concept of being confident in holding a paradox. I always knew this deep inside but neve fully gave myself permission. 

So today I really want you to contemplate embracing the medicine. The opposites, the moments of indulging in what’s not perfectly “healthy” in order to bring harmony and experience into your being. 

~ Sometimes you sleep 8 + hours and wake up to a green juice and exercise and meditate first thing. 

~ Sometimes you’re exhausted and barely slept the night before because you had one too many drinks and were out dancing and blowing off steam with your friends. 

Can you hold both? Be both, and return to center? 

Can you have had a history of botox use and then decide you want to embrace natural options like Gua Sha and massage instead (or in conjunction with) YES. 

Where can you allow yourself to be all things? 

Can you listen to healing singing bowls and mantras while you make a healthy bean soup and clean your house, and then the next day wear heavy eyeliner, listen to death metal and scream into a pillow? Feels like a balanced weekend to me lol 

Cheers to embracing ALL sides of you. 

Also ~ I’m here to help you on your beauty-healing journey, nd/or in your beauty-healing business, and after this recent journaling workshop I felt called to offer you a SUPER SPECIAL, limited-time ultra discount offer for a 3 month virtual mentorship package. 3 sessions at $200 each! (3 recurring payments of $200) Offer ends Wednesday 11/1. 

ONLY 3 spots available. 

Respond with questions, thoughts, musings ~ 

Love, Krista 


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