What's ACTUALLY motivating....

Hint ~ It's NOT wanting to be different, lose weight, or change yourself...

I’m feeling soft and slow today, and have really been contemplating the “being” energy vs the “doing” of it all. And also focusing on embodiment of that and making space for this gentle pause before launching into action.

I’m also feeling kinda repelled by scrolling and social media and like I really want to stay in my own energy lately. And perhaps you’re in the same boat!

Let’s talk about the ideal self… People have different concepts of the “ideal self” and “future visioning” ~ if yours is a vision of success, and ideal body and material wealth - excellent I love all those things too lol but that’s not really how my mind works anymore…

These days I’m really interested in the ideal nourished self, the version of you that you show up for completely. Sometimes that means going to bed early so you can catch an early morning barre class… sometimes it means turning your phone off at 9:30pm and cutting down on scrolling time.

Actions like these are more in the zone for realistic and radical self-nurturing and honoring. And they are key factors in your success, health, and wellbeing. Remember that deep internal stability we’ve been talking about?

We’re balancing discipline with self-love. Compassion, acceptance and realism with mastery.

In my mind, I’m wrapping up 2023 mentally/energetically now… and moving into the highest version of myself for 2024. And I gotta tell you, I’m keeping it pretty dang realistic, because when I feel like I’m winning in my vision for myself I’m motivated to do more.

Tough love doesn’t motivate me personally, it discourages me. Self-love motivates me. I’m so much more likely to eat intuitively and well and exercise when I feel hot and cared for already. 

So I focus on doing the things that make me feel hot and cared for, and centered, and whole and lean away from things that don’t (like comparing myself to others on the Internet or trying to keep up with my husband who likes to stay up super late etc)

I have to share this one important point about eating and fitness habits: Whenever I’ve had the experience of “god I feel so out of shape/overweight/blah blah blah - I should eat differently, move differently” my whole system goes into full on rebellion mode. 

Because deep down, subconsciously I completely reject the notion that I’m not okay as I am. Even the thought of a diet or strict fitness routine has me ready to rebel and eat 10x as much as I would on a normal day. So diets are OUT. Intuitive eating and self-love are IN.

It’s all about focusing on you - baby. I hope you’re feeling an expansion. October has been a beast, and you’re killin it!

SPECIAL MENTORSHIP OFFER ENDS 11/1: I’m here to help you on your beauty-healing journey, and/or business. I recently felt truly called to offer you a SUPER SPECIAL, limited-time ultra discount offer for a 3 month virtual mentorship package

3 sessions at $200 each! (3 recurring payments of $200) 

- Offer ends Wednesday 11/1. 
- ONLY 3 spots available.

Respond with questions, thoughts, musings. 

Love, Krista


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