How WOO are you?

I’m incredibly woo, more so than the average bear. But I still don’t relate to certain ways a “spiritual woman” or a woman embodying her “divine feminine” or “goddess energy” looks in the media. I think this has actually created some shadow for me at times, some division… and maybe you can relate?  

For instance: 

~ I don't do any rituals with my menstrual blood. I have no issues with my blood, I actually really think it’s beautiful, I just don't smear it on my face and howl at the moon ~ I fully support you in doing this however if it's your thing.

~ I have body altering history, because I’m a human and that’s a lesson I’ve chosen for this lifetime (see, I AM woo). I’ve had multiple breast surgeries (reduction, and implants). Up until recently I thought this separated me from the “natural, divine feminine woman”. I thought I had to give up my implants and burn them in a fire under the full moon, on a friday, and shake a rattle in order to reclaim my feminine sovereignty. But why can’t it be okay that they don't cause me issues? After years of breast & body-image suffering don't I deserve to just enjoy where I’m at right now? 

~ Whenever I see women in groups doing goddess-y things like singing hymnals and wearing matchy free-people outfits I often feel a little separate from them. Like I’m not “natural” enough, flowy enough, primal enough. Like I’m missing some important element to be part of the club.

But I’m not, and neither are you.

So here’s where I’m at. I’m tired of our actual, REAL-ASS lives, and deep, emotional history making women feel separate. I’m tired of the holistic beauty world ostracizing women for getting botox & fillers. For the record I AM totally against botox and fillers ~ for a number of reasons that you probably didn't even know existed - but it’s more important to me that you feel supported and WELCOME into this world of natural beauty, and like you can begin to enter it verses feeling like you’re not allowed in the club because you’ve done stuff to your face/bod.

AND I think it’s completely understandable why you desire to feel your most beautiful, and why you may also have a history. And I think your urge to feel beautiful, sexy, and feminine should be celebrated! And I’ve found that the more we heal, love, accept, and nurture ourselves ~ our desire to feel beautiful becomes more internally motivated vs externally driven. 

So on this 777 portal (totally woo I told you!) I’m inviting you to join my absolute favorite transformational healing container to facilitate, called REFLECTION. 

REFLECTION is a 4-week intimate woman's healing circle where we explore nourishing self-care practices, ways to deepen your self-love and connection, infuse your life with beauty, and step into your highest vibrational vision for your life!

This is a place where you bring forward your challenges, triggers, and desires for yourself. A safe, loving place to be seen, heard, held, and guided. 

This is where the trust comes in: I always deliver major value, and because this is a feminine (lol) flowy, container ~ I read the energy of the group, and come forward with the healing tools that I feel are best for all of you (Be it meditations, visioning, loving face massage, or all of it) 

There are only 7 spots available! And doors close in 5 days (or after 7 of you join, whichever comes first!)

Our first session is Friday July 14th, no matchy free people outfits or menstrual masks required. 

Please, say yes! 


“All women are natural women” ~ redefining natural beauty care for self-actualization


This used to be my play ground