How to LOVE mondays

I’m going to be really honest with you and tell you that I have a really challenging relationship to mondays. On one hand I love anything NEW and fresh. A new week, a new day, a new moon etc… It’s so full of potential! 

You’re probably like me in a way ~ you wake up excited to greet the workweek and have SO MANY things that you want to accomplish. 

But with this sense of invigoration also comes this intense pressure to come out of the gate swinging to tackle you do list to “set yourself up for success”

I don’t know if you're anything like me but I tend to pile a lot on myself and put a lot of expectations on myself for rocking mondays as hard as possible. It usually results with me pushing too hard, and starting the week out more forcefully than necessary. 

I realized recently that I feel really shitty by the end of every monday. And I’m really over that pattern. 

What if we did things differently? What if we softened into mondays and let them unfold from a place of purpose, ease, flow, and allowing? 

What if we just anchored into ONE (or two) THEME(s) for the day and resisted the urge to jump on the overwhelm train.

Because overwhelm only leads to procrastination. Hours go by and you’ve danced around the one thing that would really impact your life/business/relationships the most.  

When overwhelm hits I like to call upon the three M’s 



Mono-accomplishment (Yes I made this one up completely) 

Movement- get out of your head and into your body. Go for a walk, dance, stretch, do some squats and lunges. Anything to anchor you back into what matters. Your body is the most important thing you have, in terms of being your vessel that carries you through life. If you feel out of sorts and don't know where to place your energy, just do a little movement. It will inspire you and give you confidence to make progress in every other area of your life! 

Meditation - let's say you woke up, took care of your kids, got some coffee and couldn’t resist the urge to scroll instagram the moment you had alone time. I’m guilty of this too trust me! Now your mind and energy are filled with other people’s lives, other people's goals, what other people are selling etc etc etc… Sitting in meditation just for a few breaths even can help you to come back to YOUR OWN ENERGY. I literally had to do this today. I got so filled with other people’s lives I needed to sit down, re-anchor, get quiet and ask my soul “what am I meant to accomplish today.” “what is the best use for my voice, how can I support and align with my purpose”... 

Mono-accomplishment… just do ONE THING. One thing. Seriously. One thing will lead to another thing. Make your bed. Make that one annoying phone call. Do the dishes. Do one thing, and then see that you can accomplish anything and that thinking about the one thing is harder than actually freaking DOING it. 

My ONE thing that I was meant to do today was connect with you ~ to share with you that I still have spots open for one on one guidance sessions. All I want to do is help women connect to themselves and anchor into self love and learn how to give themselves the nourishment they need at any moment. To help you have a fulfilled happy life where you are the star of it. 

YOU ARE THE GODDESS OF YOUR LIFE, of your household, of your business. You are actually the center, the sun of your family and relationships. The nourishment and joy of your family and clients are dependent on your OWN nourishment and joy.  

I’m also here to support massage therapists and estheticians who are feeling on the cusp of  burn-out and want to find freedom from the challenges associated with holding space for people (spoiler alert, you're probably over-giving and there is a lighter way to do whatever it is you're doing) TRUST me I’ve spent years figuring it out. 

I'm here to help you lean into the feminine allowing energy and away from fixing/forcing. Book a session and watch your life shift. 


Your body image triggers are healing opportunities


5 ways to lean into the feminine, receptive state for FLOW and EASE