5 ways to lean into the feminine, receptive state for FLOW and EASE

When you infuse your day with feminine energy and softness, everything flows so much easier! Leaning into the feminine doesn’t mean you just lay in a field and make daisy crowns all day (although if you do, I’m coming). It’s just shifting away from force and catching the natural flow. 

Try it, seriously ~ you’ll be surprised when you feel energized by the end of the day and accomplished vs depleted! 

Here are 5 ways to lean into the feminine, receptive state for FLOW

1) Budget a little extra time than you think you need. This allows you to show up in a slow chill present state vs frazzled and totally out of your body. Rushing around never feels good so give yourself the gift of time when you can.

2) Instead of scrolling/procrastinating choose another nourishing, self-reflective activity. Now we ALL do this. Our brains are hunting for dopamine at all times but scrolling is actually not going to give you what you actually need. What you actually need is some movement, some journaling, or maybe even some social engagement. Schedule a call with a friend or send them a vox and share how your day is going!

3) Be conscious of how you're feeding yourself. Tap into what your body is asking for! Do you need some fats? More protein? What are you actually craving? Eat when you're hungry and stop when you're full. It’s that simple but this is some deep self-care.

4) If you start getting frustrated, check yourself. Take a beat, take a breath. If you’re on hold for 20 minutes with your health insurance company, put it on speaker and then go outside and take your shoes off and stretch. Make yourself a snack, take out a sketch pad and start doodling. OR maybe today isn’t the day for the call. Better to wait until tomorrow morning vs doing it during peak lunch phone-rush hour.

5) Make your facial cleanse and moisturize time a RITUAL. Instead of rushing through and slapping creams on your face, use it as a time to breathe into your body, ease your nervous system and CLEAR people’s energy off of you. Let this be a time where you enhance your beauty consciously through stimulating collagen and elastin and smoothing and restoring your tissues. Your body loves it.

For more guidance on how to infuse your life with feminine energy, self-nourishment and self-nurturing practices that are tailored to YOUR unique needs I invite you to join REFLECTION ~ a 4 week healing container of ONLY 5 WOMEN!

We will go deep on self-care, trusting the feminine flow, and begin to fully step into and celebrate your unique beauty. 

A lot of triggers and resistance comes up when you actually start to give yourself permission to care for yourself in this way, and I’m here to help you navigate through those areas of resistance so that you can nourish yourself unapologetically and fill your cup! 


How to LOVE mondays


1 on 1 guidance and support from me