Krista Buccari

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Do you have jaw pain? Clicking/popping? Or facial asymmetry? This is for you...

If you have any TMJ issues or jaw pain, you need to go deeper than just addressing your chewing muscles…

There are so many emotional and physical reasons for TMJD (temporomandibular joint disorder). Everything in your body works as a continuous and related whole, nothing ever happens in isolation. Most often it stems from your pelvis alignment, and physical and emotional/energetic restrictions throughout your system. 

I often see people recommending deep (often painful) massage of the masseter muscles to “release them”, or even injecting with botox to “resolve” the problem without even looking at a person’s overall alignment and system. 

Not only is this ineffective at actually resolving the source of the problem, it can cause harm. 

If your jaw is tight and locked up there is a protective reason for it.

My new Jaw (and how I can help you!): Even with all of my body knowledge, I haven’t been able to straighten out the movement when depressing my mandible (opening my mouth) in YEARS. It always hitches to one side and I feel or hear a “pop” in the joint. There’s often some soreness or tenderness associated with it too. 

All that has changed...

After my recent Cranial Sacral training there’s NO pop, NO sensitivity or joint pain, NO side-to-side movement. This is the straightest and smoothest movement that I have had since as long as I can remember… we’re talking about a decade at least…

I’ve been practicing my Cranial Sacral work for a while (I learned from the same person that I did this training with when I was in massage school) but this was way more in depth ~ deep anatomy and learning how to sense, interpret and influence the cranial-sacral system and bone motility (yes your cranial bones move AND bend)

This work is so powerful. Just by working so so so gently with the various diaphragms of the body (pelvic, respiratory, cervical/neck) and cranial bones my jaw movement is COMPLETELY different, my face has more symmetry structurally, even the curve in my back is changing.

This has been so deeply transformative ~ swimming through the mystical waters. Feeling the movement of cranial rhythm ~ the movement that developed you before you took your first breath. Consciously meeting the internal healer once again. Hello old friend.

I’m delighted to incorporate this relaxing, and beauty/health promoting practice into my facial rejuvenation treatment sessions! Facilitating the juiciest internal fluid production and movement, circulation, and healing flow.

EVEN COOLER STILL ~ I’M NOW OFFERING DISTANCE HEALING! Cranial Sacral work can be done virtually via the energetic body. So I can help your body balance, release restrictions safely, and heal from the comfort of your own home!

BOOK: In-Person

BOOK: Distance Healing