Where is your resistance to your changing body?

Is it a wrinkle or two or 5... a weight thing, a grey hair thing… Something you're trying hard to prevent or change or fix in some way?

This is a distraction. It's like the red dot on the cashmere sweater (any Seinfeld fans?) You're focusing so much on the thing that you think needs fixing that you're missing how absolutely f*cking STUNNING and magnetic you are. 

Try to just play with softening your resistance around this thing. See it as a non-thing. Just pretend. 

Play with being HOT with that thing. I've been doing this with the forehead lines I've been dancing with. They are soft and wispy and barely there (and sometimes not even there) because of my massage and gua sha practice. But they're living and I'm living with them. We are dynamic living moving changing creatures. 

Focus instead on your gorgeous sparkling eyes, beautifully cared for glowing skin, strong healthy body, soft gentle and unique voice etc. This will center you. 

You have so much working for you and yet you're wasting so much of your life force on something that could actually be a non-thing if you took some of the power out of it. 

Shifting your focus and becoming friends with it is how we do this. 


For glowing skin and slowing aging, your neck is your top priority


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