Soften vertical forehead lines and ease eyestrain

As a 37-year old woman, I have a cute little dance happening with my expression lines.

I’m committed to working with my body to keep my face calm, smooth and restored naturally…while also accepting that I’m human and aging is a beautiful privilege.

So far, I actually feel more connected to my face the older I get, I like that I don’t look like I did when I was 21 or even 30.

This particular eyebrow release is a complete game changer for the posture of your forehead and eyes… I’ll explain it.

Read this and then watch the how-to video on Instagram!

11 lines and eye strain are so intricately connected because of the way your eyes are suspended in your skull. There is an intricate and brilliantly interwoven relationship of ligaments, connective tissue, and muscles that are responsible for all of your expressions and the function and use of your eyes.

By gently sinking your thumb pad into the base of the top of your eye socket (underneath your eyebrow) you are interrupting and creating some separation in a space of inflammation and buildup from strain and stress.

Working through the tenderness that you feel slowly, creates more space for blood and fluid flow and relaxes the muscles from the source.

This has been one of the single most effective moves for relaxing my entire forehead that I’ve ever discovered. Don’t be afraid of pushing on your eyeball. as long as you’re careful, it’s your eyeball…

Knowing how to restore yourself as your birthright.


The face-healing beauty magic of long melting holds in bodywork


Infusing your goddess essence into each moment