How to nurture and restore yourself through grief
On Friday we said goodbye to our sweet boy Lanegan.
I’m still processing and very much in the throes of my grief, but writing and connecting with you feels good. Connecting with purpose and helping people always has a way to lift one out of sadness a bit.
I’ve been doing a lot of crying and having intense feelings about the whole thing. And it reminded me of all the things I needed (but didn’t know I needed) when my father passed away, and all of the ways I would have supported my face and body if I had the knowledge and awareness to help comfort, sooth, process, release, and restore.
So maybe you’re feeling grief of your own, or maybe you’ve gone though it in the past and never really felt the same after (because believe me, you’re not the same). Either way ~ here are the practices that have been so helpful for me lately:
Gently massaging between my eyebrows, and all around my scalp to release the tension of the crying-face and restore me to a smoother, more serene feeling and facial position. I also did some kinesiology forehead taping last night and I really felt my nervous system regulate from being held in a calm position overnight vs all scrunched up.
Sweeping massage strokes under my cheekbones to ease tension, and also help engage my lungs reflexively. The lungs govern our ability to process grief and can get kind of frozen, so this warms and soothes the lungs.
Opening my tight heart space intentionally but breathing deeply into it. This calms my nervous system and allows my heart to cry OUT what it wants to release and receive all the love from the universe that's here to soothe and heal us. There’s infinite love available for this.
Drinking a ton of water with some trace minerals or high-quality salt sprinkled into it helps your body cope with the stress and rehydrate. Water doesn’t hydrate us that well without minerals.
Getting sunlight and letting nature hold me. Feeling its warmth on my skin, feeling the weight of my body lying on the ground whether on the sand or on a rock in the middle of a creek. I’ve been curling up on the ground (literally) lying or sitting there to feel anchored and rooted into mama earth.
Self-cranial sacral therapy and my energy clearing & healing practices. I have had many rounds of crying, and I was getting tension headaches and even experienced some intense vertigo and for the first time ever in my life. So, I worked with my hands and my intention to help my body release trauma and come back into balance. If you’re needing some help in this area, feel free to respond to this email and we can chat.
And ultimately just allowing myself to be sad as fuck. Angry as fuck. Journaling daily and allowing myself to fully fully feel it and then make sure I’m eating, moving my body gently, saying no to things that feel too social or demanding, and yes to things that make me feel whole and nurtured.
If you’re going through it, I promise you will get through it.
NO ONE gets out without grief and there is so much healing in community and connection. And life will feel even more precious and sweet, because it IS exactly that.
There is beauty in your grief, heart expansion and rite of passage.
Thanks for reading, back to channeled beauty readings next week!
P.S: There are upcoming price changes for in-person sessions going into effect on September 19th ~ so please book your session prior to that date if you'd like to do so at the original rate. For more details click here.