Everything you are, is okay

I spend a good amount of time replaying social situations, conversations, ways I acted, or didn't act in my head. I often feel self-conscious or anxious during these replays.

I've been using this mantra lately to soothe myself and ground into the reality that everything really is okay, people aren’t studying my behavior or judging me the way I think they are (and it’s also okay if they are): 

“Everything I am, is okay”

This doesn’t mean that I don't strive to self-improve, or that I’m not trying to become a more conscious and self-aware person. 

It just means that I can take some of the pressure to be perfect off of myself.

If I acted in a way that wasn’t completely perfect ~ it's okay. Everything I am, is okay.

“Everything I am, is okay”

Try it next time you need a little comforting after the hangover of an awkward or imperfect interaction. 

If you accidentally interrupt someone in a conversation, overshare or get over excited. Or if you’re overstimulated and forget to introduce someone in a conversation, or forget to xyz or whatever the thing is that you get anxious about after you interact with humans lol

I’m always fascinated by the intersection of our beauty care, selfcare, and how we show up in this world. I like to incorporate self soothing and pressure-releasing internal dialogue when I stretch my body, touch my face, or exercise.

It’s all part of the very messy and beautiful process of you awakening to your truest form and being the loving steward of your whole self, and you deserve it!

Save this and practice this self-soothing mantra. Let me know how it feels in your body. 

Here's a reel where I’m using a light facial oil and doing some low-key lip smoothing and plumping while practicing this mantra! 

Love, Krista


the REALITY of what your triggers around physical beauty are telling you AND the truth of what you’re actually craving


Dear woman on the beach who I saw making fun of me for taking these photos