Embracing beauty as an ENERGETIC PROJECTION. Ageless, timeless, formless, it's a VIBE
I'm bringing you something super juicy, super fun, and deeply transformative to help you shift your MINDSET around beauty, perfectionism and aging.
Introducing ~ 21 Days to HIGH VIBE BEAUTY!
Every day for 21 days in a row you'll get an audio message from me with a fun little lesson to raise your vibration and connect to your ENERGETIC PROJECTION of beauty!
The way you feel about yourself literally shifts your vibration and dictates how everyone else around you perceives you. Meaning you get to feel beautiful, whole, serene and graceful no matter what's happening in your external world or appearance.
If you're struggling with: "flaw" fixation, perfectionism, have fear-energy around aging and changing, or feeling generally low vibe around appearance, I'm here to lift you up every day and help you get into that highest expression of your innate beauty and wholeness!
That which is ageless, formless. That which starts within you, how you carry yourself, see yourself, feel about yourself...
You will see yourself differently after this program, and so will everyone else.
And the best part is ~ It's only $21... yup! 21 dollars, 21 days, true transformation with a supportive daily message from me with a super fun, and easy tangible action to get your vibe up high and start LIVING your life from this energetic projection of deep beauty. No one and nothing can take this away from you!
WE BEGIN APRIL 10th! SIGN UP NOW to be ready!
Deep love to you all, thanks for being on this journey with me!
~ Krista