Beauty-care as energetic hygiene
First things first, you are meant for so much more than just “looking good for your age”
In the scope of life, your purpose, your legacy, your impact… looking good, isn’t “important” BUT it’s also NOT, not important…
If you’re following me chances are you also feel most connected to yourself when you FEEL beautiful, and also are ready to explore self-care and beauty-care AS a divine expression of self love.
My work is ALL about restoration. Because we accumulate deep grooves of tension patterns (hello 11 lines) and then instead of shedding it regularly we carry it around, accumulate more, and present that to the world, vs our softness.
It’s such a balance because as we evolve, we have to decide what’s uniquely beautiful to us, accept the things we can’t change, and also encourage ourselves to lovingly improve and maintain the things we can, because so much IS in our control (and so much isn’t) lol.
Let me remind you of my embodied beauty pillars:
ENJOY what you got, girl! Without the fear of losing it. Be present, allow yourself to love what is NOW.
Improve and maintain what you can, within the realm of reality, sustainability, emotional and physical health and wellbeing (this is a spectrum and is unique for everyone)
Accept the things you cannot change (this is hard sometimes, and requires community, a huge does of self-love and appreciation, and surrender)
Embrace beauty as a timeless, ageless, formless energetic projection. This is a way of life, the way you carry yourself, the way you speak to yourself, dress yourself, adorn yourself and treat yourself on this beauty-healing journey.
The Fascia Facelift workshop this Friday 10/6 is really honing in on #2 ~ Improve and maintain what you can… because this work is SOOOOO effective in smoothing, lifting, plumping, and RESTORING your facial contours, neck length, and letting go of bulky jaw tension.
These techniques I’m going to teach you are all about helping your body to process, and SHED the heavy layers that AREN’T you, so that you can bring forward and lead with what IS.
I see it as energetic and physical beauty-hygiene. Just like meditation, sleep, brushing your teeth. Pretty regular, truly.
If you want a little girlfriend time I did an IG live yesterday and shared some of the things you’ll learn! Working with the tongue to tone the “double chin” area and lift your neck!
If you're ready ~ I invite you to join This incredibly unique workshop on Friday 10/6 ~ the Fascia Facelift workshop!
This is some true contouring and emotional processing ~ deep, deep beauty alchemy.
I can't wait to spend time with you!
Love, Krista