1 on 1 guidance and support from me
I’ve been called to create a special offering for you, for someone who is looking to go deeper and receive 1 on 1 guidance and support from me.
Because I know there are some of you who are looking to go deeper and get one on one attention and support from me.
Introducing private 1 on 1 guidance sessions with me. Held virtually via zoom (sessions are recorded)
What this is:
A loving container of space holding, guidance and gentle redirection to help you tap into, and identify the places in which you’re feeling blocked, giving your power away, or are stuck in harmful cycles that keep you disconnected from yourself.
In some instances, guided self-touch will be incorporated to help you clear and create safety within your body and nervous system.
This is my vision for you, and my intention for our work together:
You gain tools and practices to shift away from feeling like you need to “fix” yourself, into knowing that you are MORE THAN enough - AND what you got is pretty freaking amazing.
You RELISH in your beauty, CELEBRATE IT and amplify it to the max.
Shift away from “flaw” fixation, perfectionism or fear energy associated with your appearance/aging/changing.
You feel radiant, whole, nurtured, and deeply connected to yourself. You have a safe space within yourself that you can return to at any time.
You stop depleting yourself, over giving, and giving your power away.
What this is not:
This is not where I teach you facial Gua Sha, or step-by-step facial massage (that's what the ultra-affordable and thorough Inner Beauty Circle Membership is for!)
However if you have specific Gua Sha or massage questions I will absolutely support you!
This is a brand new offering so I’m serving it up for an incredibly juicy price of $222.
I have space for ONLY TWO clients! So if you're interested BOOK NOW
I’m so excited to nurture and support you in this way!
Love, Krista