Krista Buccari

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Your projection > your reflection: energizing beauty

This episode was inspired by a conversation I had with my mom about her interest in getting a facelift. At that moment I felt my energy start to drop during the conversation and I realized that looking as young as possible for as long as possible no longer excites me…

In this episode:

  • I go through the somewhat technical aspects of what to consider before a facelift (global posture, alignment, fluid pathways) and what will help you obtain the best results, or help you decide to forgo the procedure altogether.

  • How our beauty lineage affects us subconsciously and what we can do to start to heal.

  • Tapping into what’s energizing and high-vibe about beauty vs energy-sucking and depleting about beauty.

  • The plight of the beautiful woman and the fear of losing “currency” with aging.

  • Why cleopatra-style beauty-care is soothing and replenishing vs overly corrective and hyper-fixated perfectionism-style beauty-care.

  • Focusing less on your “reflection” and way more on your “projection” ~ your elegance, the way you carry yourself and LIVE YOUR LIFE.

  • Why self pampering is HEALING, brings you back to life, and promotes bonding with other women.

  • Why ruminating and focusing on looking as young as possible and hyper fixated on toxic beauty standards are a form of mind control and make your life tiny. What do you actually want for this precious life?!

  • Why you may need some new friends…

  • Teasing you about “venus weekend” the retreat I’m planning!

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love, Krista 
