Yes, you can get “work done” and still be on the self-love and acceptance JOURNEY
I recently posted a clip of Demi Moore talking about her role in “the substance” and about her journey of self-love and acceptance.
In response, I received comments about her not being “an empowering example” of a self-loving, self-accepting, aging woman because she’s had cosmetic work done.
And to this, I lovingly say that: Just because she has had cosmetic work done, doesn’t mean she’s any LESS on the self-love and acceptance journey.
This journey is a deeply personal EVOLUTION. A path with A LOT of resistance, obstacles, de-conditioning, and healing. It’s not linear, or black and white.
It’s not: “either you love and accept yourself and choose to age completely naturally, or not, and therefore you don’t.”
Having had cosmetic “work done” doesn’t take away from all the inner work required for self-love and acceptance. For any person, especially one who’s grown up with their worth being largely tied to their appearance.
And please don’t think for a second that just because she’s done cosmetic alterations that she isn’t feeling the “pains” of aging, or that she’s choosing to do that instead of working on her relationship to herself.
I’d love to see us all open our hearts and minds and have more compassion for the full spectrum of this human experience, and the rich complexities of being a woman in society. And inspire each other with our own personal choices and embodiment.
And whatever your choices are, there’s really nowhere to run except INTO your fear of aging to understand the deeper message around your worth and value, and to accept the healing opportunities within it.
After listening to her autobiography, I’m absolutely IN AWE of her strength and perseverance. Her testimony is so raw, so authentic, so excruciating, incredibly vulnerable, and completely beautiful. I literally cannot imagine a life growing up as she did.
Diving into her work is solidifying me in my purpose here.
To fully appreciate what we as women go through, and to raise awareness about the things we aren’t talking about out in the open because there’s so much shame associated to it (hence my embodied beauty podcast).
The wars we wage on ourselves and our bodies, the endless pursuit of being “enough” and lovable, acceptable, worthy.
The relentless pursuit of youthfulness and perfection.
How being told that you’re beautiful growing up creates your “value”, and then becomes weaponized against us at the fear of loss of that beauty, or “youth.”
Let us all hold each other while we embrace our changing selves and inspire others to as well - to the extent that we feel we can in this very moment in time.
Let us care for ourselves beautifully, peaceful, gently and lovingly from a place of adoration and devotion, not fear or fixation.
And if you’re looking for a bridge: something to support you in feeling like an absolutely nurtured goddess. To smooth and soften the stresses away and rejuvenate your face, body, and entire being naturally ~ book a restorative facial session today!