What your skin really needs to thrive
This might rock your world a little bit, and go against what every single beauty ad is telling you that you need, but I invite you to be a rebel for just a sec… and maybe, invite this refreshing philosophy into your being, and feel it expand in your body as a “yes, this feels right”
Your skin wants very little. It needs very little to thrive! It’s nuanced, but I’m going to break it down into some very simple major factors:
~ Your skin is primarily fed and nourished from the INSIDE, this means blood flow, nutrients, qi, and oxygen are what “feed” your skin.
~ Massage, and Gua Sha help to facilitate movement and delivery of these vital aspects to your skin, allowing it to exchange, and release metabolic waste and stress (which accelerates cellular aging).
~ Massage and Gua Sha helps to maintain softness and pliability to your tissues, and eliminating tension patterns, all of which do wonders for restoring your facial contours, and smoothing lines.
~ Your skin is your direct line to your nervous system, and your body only repairs and regenerates when you are in a relaxed state. Massage fosters relaxation, presence, and self-connection.
~ Your skin is an organ, it’s your first line of defense. It does not want to be “penetrated” with products, in fact, it’s trying really hard to not be penetrated to keep you safe. Products that “deeply penetrate” can comprise your skin barrier’s integrity.
~ Nourishing oils and high vibe gentle products are the most beneficial when your skin barrier is strong and intact, so “doing less” with the products overall is healthier for your skin long term.
~ Some mineral-based sunblock and a hat go a LONG way (but a LIL sun and a LOT of fresh air are supportive!)
SO! Slow-aging, and supporting your skin in the best possible way is NOT about doing more, it’s actually about doing less, but knowing the right things to do, make sense?
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