To the woman who were told how beautiful you were growing up, I know what you’re struggling with now

There’s a common thread I see among all women who’ve grown up with a strong emphasis on their appearance: The feeling that it’s their most valuable asset, and that it must be enhanced and maintained at all costs.

This is the shadow side of beauty, and it sucks all the joy out fully EXPERIENCING yourself for what you ARE. It laces it with the energy of fear. Fear of loss of your value, fear of conditional love…

And subconsciously UNDERNEATH it all: the fear that you’ll be discarded.

It creates the NEED to be MORE of that thing you’re told you are. This way you’ll have even more power, more love, more value, more safety.

But this sparks a rebellion inside of you, because deep down your soul REJECTS the idea that you need to be any more of anything, or that you have anything to fear, or that love is conditional.

- This is why you’re struggling with overeating
- This is why you spend hours in the mirror late night picking your skin even when you beg yourself to stop.
- This is why you’re hyper-vigilant about maintaining your appearance
- This is why you’re afraid of getting older, of looking less youthful or “desirable”
- This is why you’re terrified of being imperfect, and get defensive
- This is why you see yourself in a harsher more critical light than everyone else around you sees you.

️ Because in your mind, your worth has been tied to something that feels temporary. And loving yourself for exactly what you are right now feels dangerous.

️ The medicine to heal the disconnect and shadowy behaviors:

Journal to the root of what you’re afraid of and ask yourself “is this really true?”

Shift the energy.

Get absolutely FEROCIOUS about your self-love and care for yourself SO lovingly. Step into your power by owning your beauty and become absolutely relentless about it. And remember your physicality is part of your beauty, but not all of it.

YOU are beauty. It can’t be separated from you.


The key to your radiance is SHEN 神


Yes, you can get “work done” and still be on the self-love and acceptance JOURNEY