Krista Buccari

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This is not “a facial”. This is a restorative facial treatment...

This is a restorative facial treatment... different from anything you've experienced at a spa...  

This is a facial-focused session that considers your entire physical and energetic system. One that begins at your feet, pelvis, diaphragms, organs, spinal cord, and cranial/facial bones, tissues, fascia, skin and energy field. I like to work from the deepest structures to the superficial (which is the priority order of which the body heals).

Restoring fluid pathways for naturally improved drainage and tissue flow to improve and maintain your body’s youthful vitality.

Lifting, re-training and re-educating your facial posture to “remember” where it likes to live.

Smoothing and melting tension with INTENTION and skilled, loving touch vs force.

Facilitating re-connections and letting go of the patterns that aren’t you. Like Michelangelo chipping away at a block of marble to reveal the angel.

It’s SO deeply relaxing, so restorative and so healing.

“Beauty is pain” is over. Beauty is pleasure. Beauty is healing, beauty is becoming whole. Beauty is coming home.

This is the treatment that I wish I could receive. It’s been a while since I shared what I “do”, so here it is!

For those practitioners who like to geek out I combine cranial sacral therapy, intuitive bodywork, visceral work, connective tissue therapies, lifting massage, manual lymphatic drainage, gua sha, vibroacoustic sound therapy, and deep intuitive listening into my sessions. It all depends on what people are coming in with and what would best suit.

It’s always slow, calm, and informed by what I’m feeling/sensing/hearing. I’m all about the long holds, the therapeutic time, the ALLOWING. You won’t see me doing fancy wrist whirling lightning-fast strokes these days.

Thanks for reading, and happy Venus day! 

Love, Krista 

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