Skincare starts at the bone

Maybe it’s because I’m a massage therapist, but my approach to skin care is a little different than you may have been exposed to. 

Skincare for me starts at the bone. Because if you think about how your body works, your skin is fed from the layers beneath it. Fed with oxygen rich blood, Qi, nutrients, and fluid.

Every day you’re accumulating layers of tension and bulkiness. Your lovely, intelligent, and protective fascia/connective tissue system is laying down layers of collagen fibers to protect you - and no, not the pretty kind…

The issue here is that this also reduces vital flow to your skin as we age. 

This is why it’s SO important to know restorative techniques to shed these layers and maintain excellent and easeful tissue flow for radiance. 

And that’s what a lot of my work is based on. Flow.

~ Topical skin care is only going to do so much. Don’t get me wrong I love a delicious, whole plant derived, antioxidant packed balm as much as the next girl…

But topicals don't do much of anything when it comes to the STRUCTURE of your tissues. That's where Fascial work comes in. 

It’s not only skin care I want you to think about it’s facial TISSUE care. 

If you want to learn how to release excess layers of tension, bulkiness, and heaviness from your face to bring back the SPACE, buoyancy and lift, I’m leading A BEAUTIFUL and very unique Fascia Facelift Workshop! 

I’ve been wanting to share this for a while and the time finally felt right. 

This is a NO OIL/NO GLIDE class for optimal tissue engagement. You will see AND feel the difference. 

Friday 10/6 at 12pm EST via Zoom. 


Doors close 10/5 at 11:59 pm EST 



An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. 


The Fascia Facelift Workshop