Touch yourself for self-connection & slow aging

Yes I know YESTERDAY was Valentine’s Day ~ but I believe consistent expressions of self-love and simple self-care every day! Let’s keep the lovey vibes going!  

Just lightly touching your décolletage, neck, and face creates a cascade of physiological events. Not only are you stimulating your body to create more collagen, elastin, lymphocytes, blood cells and other important cells ~ you’re also creating your own oxytocin! This is known as the “love” hormone! How miraculous!

Some key benefits of oxytocin:

  • Reduces stress (which results in inflammation and accelerated aging)

  • Reduces blood pressure and cortisol levels (a major factor in how quickly we “age”)

  • Creates feelings of love and connection and facilitates positive social interaction. Helping to regulate your nervous system.

  • Increases pain thresholds and boosts your immune system.

We are wired for touch. We need it for proper physical, emotional, social and spiritual development. And it brings about that inner glow.  It’s the perfect recipe for healing.

If you’re ready to learn how to incorporate face rejuvenating self-touch into your life join the Inner Beauty Circle Membership! You’ll have access to all facial massage courses/workshops, a facial Gua Sha self-study course, live calls, and more!  for only $11.11/month ~ cancel anytime! 


The Healing Magic of Your Tears


Facial Gua Sha for Health and Beauty