How to Maintain Your Facial Structure as You Age
The ONLY way to build and maintain your facial structure as you age is to stimulate bone and tissue growth.
Welcome to your inner world - the structures UNDERNEATH your skin that influence EVERYTHING about your facial posture, and the state in which your facial tissues exist. I’m here to share with you the secret to maintaining a plump, strong, symmetrical shapely face throughout your life: targeted facial exercises.
Facial exercise literally lifts, tones, strengthens and builds your muscles ~ creating an open, fresh healthy look. What's more - it’s the only way to stimulate bone growth and support bone density, which begins to steadily decline as we age.
We know this all too well... part of the aging process is the destruction and reabsorption of bone, causing reduced bone density and increased brittleness. Bone reabsorption affects our skeletons globally, including the structure of our face and skull! This phenomenon causes some major aesthetic changes to your countenance.
Photo Credit: Eliza Woznica
First off, here's how changes in bone density (and subsequently) weakening of muscles, facial retaining ligaments, fat pads and tissues affects your facial structure. There's no shame in this, it's naturally just anatomically how things begin to “go south” with gravitational forces and tissue structure changes:
Deep expression lines and an overall hardening of the connective tissue
Brow bone becomes more prominent and heavy-looking
Hollowing and drooping around the eyes and temples
Thinning and “sinking in” of the lips (vertical lip lines)
Jowls caused by thinning of the jaw bone, and laxity/weakness of the lower facial muscles
Double chin/neck laxity
Deep nasolabial folds caused by drooping cheeks
Marionette lines (also known as “puppet lines”)
Photo Credit: Eliza Woznica
Photo Credit: Eliza Woznica
So what’s a person to do? How do we age as radiantly and beautifully as possible?
Now, you may have heard that weight bearing/resistance exercise is the best way to maintain your overall bone density and strength, and that's true! Furthermore ~ I’m here to tell you, It’s possible to improve and maintain your facial bone density and overall face frame and structure by incorporating facial exercise.
The way to do it is by applying resistance and strength-building exercises to your facial muscles to slowly train them. After much research, and a year of personal practice I want to share with you the only face exercise program that I recommend: The Glowin Face, Face Yoga Beginners Program, and the reasons I feel it’s so important for your radiant, healthful aging.
Here are the many benefits I want you to experience by starting a face exercise program!
~ Building and maintaining facial structure with increased bone density: you’re supporting the synthesis of NEW bone by strengthening your facial muscles and stimulating bone fibroblasts.
~ Treat and prevent wrinkles by gaining control over spastic/compulsive expressions: Aka nature's botox.
~ Plump up your muscles and create fullness without fillers. Fillers are not only potentially dangerous and tend to migrate (they aren't solid they will always move downward). But they also create bulk and heaviness in the face which leads to dragging down the skin.
~ Nourish and strengthen the ligaments that keep your fat pads in place, essential for a youthful facial structure.
~ Lifts the eyebrows, the corners of the lips, and reduces puffiness/drooping eyelids.
~ Eliminates TMJ pain and issues.
~ Gain facial symmetry.
~ Supports the whole body from a traditional Chinese medicine perspective (face mapping)