How to enhance your vitality

If we age and deteriorate on a cellular level, we also heal and rejuvenate on a cellular level. 

It’s all about the energy of the environment your cells are living in that makes up the external “expression” of you: your appearance, and overall vibration.  

~ Energy follows your attention. What is energy? VITALITY. 

That glowing radiant quality of your skin, and the lightness of your being. The softness of the space between your eyebrows and the clarity and fire behind your eyes.

This week you're being asked to shift your focus inward to enhance your vitality. Moving your focus from the “macro” obvious expression (your outward appearance) and into the subtle, energetic, electric-fluid landscape of your inner world.  

Make space for inward focus time and do some sensory play with your body. Sit or lay in stillness and feel your internal rhythms. The slight rocking back and forth of your body as you sit there. The pulsations youre feeling in your heart space and belly. The tingling, the swelling.

There’s so much happening in there and your body LOVES your attention. 

With your attention - direct your energy and focus into different places in your body. Your head, your feet, your hands, your breasts, your skin.

Play with directing focus into these spaces until you feel a PULSE. You can direct the focus specifically or you can have an open focus, laying there and letting your body tell YOU where it wants more flow, more Qi, more love. 

Spending time getting to know your insides has a direct impact on your physical expression. You’ll feel brighter, lighter, and very different after this practice. It’s also deeply relaxing and we know that our bodies only heal, repair and rejuvenate in a fully relaxed state of ease. 

Think of it as taking a glow vitamin. 


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