How to age as slowly and beautifully as possible
Aging as beautifully and slowly as possible is a LONG GAME. In a nutshell, it’s all about maintaining tissue health, vitality, and a strong resilient skin barrier and bone structure.
You may be tempted for “quick fixes” like botox or fillers, but those are not long term (or even short term) solutions.
Botox messes with your neurological circuitry every single time and can cause very real damage and illness, it also causes muscle atrophy, tissue thinning and bone loss. It’s toxic. It’s literally in the name.
Fillers migrate and create bulkiness and fluid retention in the areas of your face that they were not intended to be. They’re now showing up on MRIs and are not “leaving the body” as initially thought. They also inhibit your body’s metabolic processes and accelerate aging via cellular inflammation. They can also become lumpy and bumpy under your skin.
So before you enter into that world ~ consider the long game and opt for self-care that ENHANCES your vitality, your radiance, and your cellular health.
Here are my essential recommended practices for aging slowly, joyfully and beautifully:
Consider Gua sha and kinesiology taping. They’re amazing solutions for creating a botox-like smoothing and relaxing effect and promoting overall health (and without harmful and dangerous paralysis).
Face yoga plumps and builds your facial muscles and bones by strengthening and nourishing ligaments, tendons, fascial and tissues (this is my affiliate link!)
Facial massage stimulates collagen and elastin and feeds your skin and tissues with fresh oxygen and nutrient blood flow for a gorgeous healthy glow.
Maintain proper full body alignment, posture, and strength. This is all about optimizing internal tissue flow and also helping your body to deal with the gravitational stresses of life. Think about having a beautiful, upright, confident goddess-like stance with an open chest and heart, and a long neck.
Take care of yourself, emotionally physically, energetically and spiritually. Prioritize your mental and physical wellness. And remember to clear energies that aren’t yours! This dulls your glow and again adds to stress.
Don’t do too much too soon, botox and fillers are temporary in “benefit” but NOT temporary in their negative consequences and there almost always is.
Encourage lymphatic drainage to give your cells a healthy, clean, stress-free environment to thrive in.
Practice intuitive sun (don’t overdo it but have fun! Life is short) mineral face SPF and a hat is the best.
Use a few high-quality nourishing products but mostly neutral, non “active” ones for a healthy strong skin barrier. My favorite “active” product is the apoterra regenerative vitamin C balm.
Feed yourself like you love yourself because you do, get lots of rest and water with high-quality minerals.
Prioritize your stress management and relaxation because your body only heals, repairs, and regenerates in a calm, relaxed, easeful state.
Do practices little and often that stimulate cellular renewal, a beautiful lift and posture like facial massage, face yoga, Gua Sha and face taping.
And above all else, work on your relationship to yourself. Beauty is truly the way you carry yourself, the way you walk into a room, the way you love yourself and inspire people to love themselves. It’s an energy, a vibe, you don’t have to be perfect to be loved and adored. You are an elegant, timeless, unique being who can never be replaced. Remember that.
And you certainly are not losing any value in getting older.
I have so many resources for you, dive in at, and my super sweet membership is only $11.11 a month right now but believe me girl that’s going up very soon so get in now!
Love Krista