Krista Buccari

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Last week I had my first professional photoshoot for my biz!

It was exciting, this is the first time I had made an investment like this and I really wanted it to go well.

Very quickly, automatically even, I jumped into perfectionism:

“Okay I need the shot list to be perfect, the location, the perfect time of day and season, okay what am I wearing, etc etc etc…” 

And DAY OF the shoot I was feeling pretty tense. I was worried about how I should do my hair, should I wear makeup? How can I do this PERFECTLY?

I started polling my IG audience on how I should style myself. Asking friends, doing research.

All of this is to say that I started doing THE MOST. And it started to feel heavy. All the fun was siphoned out of it.


I pause and started to investigate why I was feeling so tense and trying so hard. I wanted so badly to get it right (perfectionism), as if this is the only photoshoot I will ever do (scarcity mindset).

~ I decided I want this to be FUN and easeful, which is what I encourage you to do. I have to BE the thing I’m trying to inspire you to be! Especially in my promotional shots!

~ I wanted to spend less time on my hair and appearance and more time on getting my energy right, so I listened to day 13 of 21 DAYS TO HIGH VIBE BEAUTY which is all about “doing less” and “mastering the art of sexy indifference” ~ from doing the most to ultra cool character, who takes aligned action, and then trusts the flow.

All of this helped me to shift into a lighter energy. I decided I wanted to feel LIKE MYSELF and wore big natural curly wild hair and no makeup. And I’m SO glad I did. We were in the forest, and it just made sense. Honestly, I FELT so beautiful.

I learned I didn't need to abandon myself and do the most for this special event. I knew that if I got my energy right, it would come across in the photos and honestly, I’m SO happy with what I’ve seen so far.

And even more grateful that I saw this uncomfortable moment as personal and professional growth. I feel like I passed a test or something.

I want to help you shift your energy any time you feel heavy, tense, or like you need to be/look/show up as something else other than your easeful natural self in order to succeed.

I want to help you do less, trust more, and root so deeply into yourself. It will feel like a breath of the most satisfying fresh air. AND I promise, things will flow so much more easily when you do it.

Registration for 21 DAYS TO HIGH VIBE BEAUTY is still open, because the more time I spend with this program, the more I realize that everyone needs it!

Get it now for only $21