Body pain after clients? I've been there...

I was so psyched to become a massage therapist, so that I could start to specialize in the natural facial rejuvenation work and cranial modalities that fascinated and delighted me. 

I learned facial gua sha, and began to develop my own unique lifting methods. Working with my clients vitality as a living medium. 

I was connecting with these humans in such a beautiful way and helping them connect to themselves by shedding the layers of accumulated stress, tension, trauma. Revealing a softer, youthful version of themselves that they haven't seen or felt in a while. 

It’s magical work. And I felt my life just illuminated and my legacy and purpose began to unfold. 

Then my hands started to hurt. Badly. It was nearly debilitating for probably a year, actually. I was in tears of frustration. It kept me up at night. I couldn't even grip a fork at one point. Which was so incredibly disappointing because I was loving the work (or thought I was). 

I was doing a lot of gripping of slippery tools and heavily specific tissue-manipulation techniques (kinda masculine fixing energy). Then my right hand in particular was so inflamed that I started to buy super expensive equipment to help share the load and take up some of the treatment time. 

Nothing helped. 

And here is the gift in all of this… 

My body was communicating with me that I was working out of alignment. There were so many ways in which I (a very advanced and skilled yet green therapist) was OVERGIVING and depleting myself. 

In a nutshell: I wasnt charging enough, I was giving lots of extra time, I was taking on my clients energy vs staying in my own. I was trying to fix and resolve vs FACILITATE. I’d be sweating trying to iron out a single wrinkle vs stepping back and allowing the body to unfurl and soften under my influence (mind you when I shifted from “fixing - results driven energy” into facilitation - my actual results got BETTER, not worse). 

Just to name a few ways in which I was out of alignment and my body was telling me. Thank you body. 

So I’m here to tell you that when you step into your worthiness as a practitioner everything about your practice changes. 

When you realize that your presence is so healing and inspiring for your clients. 

When you realize that when people pay, they pay attention and also take their side of the work more seriously. 

When you are a facilitator, versus a “fixer”.... When you are a space holder in the feminine receptive state, you move away from being a “service provider” and deeper into your higher purpose of healing.  

When you create resources for clients to do their own self-care, you empower them, lighten your own load, and diversify your income. 

You don't need to do the most, with all these techniques and fancy moves you see on instagram to get great results, to keep up with the joneses. 

You just need to be you, and do exactly what YOU want to do with clients. 

I’m here to help you begin to do this. 



Your dreams only exist because they're meant for you
