A multi-faceted approach to healing TMJD (temporomandibular joint disorder)

If you’re clenching your jaw or grinding your teeth at night, I promise you there’s a very good reason for it. 

Your body is only ever trying to protect you, to support you, and to communicate with you… 

And there is a beautiful message of letting go and trusting inside your TMJD.   

My approach to helping you heal TMJD (temporomandibular joint disorder) is multifaceted. 

  • First we need to meet the energy to understand what's creating the need to grip, guard and protect you. Is it a feeling of needing to maintain control in some area? Is it unspoken words? Anger or frustration? Feelings of uncertainty and instability or feeling unsafe? Once the energy is understood it can start to mobilize, shift and clear. 

  • I assess restrictions in your body globally, and help to enhance fluidity of movement specifically in your pelvis, respiratory diaphragm, shoulder girdle, cervical and temporal fascia, and occipital base. Helping to facilitate a gentle opening and releasing where your body is ready with a direct, hands on approach.

  • Then I can roll out the inflammation and bulkiness with light and gentle masseter muscle work with my hands and crystal tools to create a fluid exchange, tension relief and for beautiful jawline sculpting, cheek plumping, and elevating.

  • Helping to release jaw tension from the body also illuminates your eyes, skin, and spirit!

Practices to help you release the clench on your own: 

  • Deep restorative squats, breathing into your pelvic floor and letting it expand and soften more with each breath (your pelvis and jaw are intrinsically connected).

  • Getting to the root of your feelings by asking “what do I need to know about this? Why are you holding so tightly?” Trust the first thing that comes up. Journal to the very core of the feeling and let it release from your body by moving it out of you intentionally. Replace it with a new belief and with source energy.  

  • Connecting with and massaging your scalp, chewing muscles and neck daily. Work slowly and intentionally, creating safety with a light patient touch and deep breaths. 

  • Stretching the base of your tongue with the “tongue lock”: swallow, seal your tongue to the roof of your mouth and then slowly open your jaw and maintain the seal. You should feel a stretch at the floor of your mouth. 

  • Practice speaking your truth and holding your boundaries. 

If you need more support: 

~ Listen to the Healing TMJD episode (#19) of the Embodied Beauty Podcast 

~ Purchase the TMJ Freedom, Jaw & Pelvis Integration Workshop for $55 OR get it for free as part of the Inner Beauty Circle Membership 

~ Book an in-person hands-on session or a virtual distance healing session with me 


Restorative Facial & Healing Body Therapies


How to heal through beauty-care