Krista Buccari

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Spring equinox is a powerful portal for and opportunities and new ways of thinking…

So many of you had a full body “YES” when I shared the embodied beauty ~ aging co-creation pillars.

This is a NEW way of thinking and being, so I encourage you to reflect on these questions:

~ What are you needing to recalibrate when it comes to your relationship to your evolving beauty, your changing body?

️~What perspective shift would make you feel easeful and free in this moment?

~Which area feels the most potent for you to focus on as right now?

Here are the pillars if you need a reminder!

1) Enjoy and appreciate how you appear in the present moment (without the dark cloud of the fear of losing it)

2) Improve and maintain what you can within the realm of reality, emotional and physical health/wellness, and sustainability (this is where the massage, Gua Sha, face yoga etc comes in)

3) Accept the things you cannot change, and roll with the changes from the place of love and a wider perspective (looking at yourself as a whole flowing being vs hyper fixation on parts and pieces)

4) Embrace beauty as a timeless, ageless, energetic projection that comes from a place of deep self-appreciation and reverence. (the lifestyle & embodiment aspect ~ the way you dress and adorn yourself, talk to yourself, feed yourself)

I’m personally focusing on number 4 ~ "embracing beauty as a timeless, ageless energetic projection."

The way I walk, think, talk. The state of which I keep my surroundings (time for some spring cleaning) the clothing I choose to wear ~ the way I stack my day (giving myself screen breaks to go play in nature) 

If this is a full-body YES for you, I invite you to join the Inner Beauty Circle Membership! Where we'll be LIVING and practicing from these pillars. 

It’s only $11.11/month and you can cancel anytime.

You get access to:

~ All monthly live trainings and their recordings (embodiment practices and SLOW AGING techniques)

~ Facial massage course and workshops

~ A Facial Gua Sha course

~ A supportive community

See you inside! 

Love, Krista