Dry Brushing for a Strong Immune System & a Healthy GLOW
Dry-brushing is becoming so main-stream - and for good reasons! It almost seems too simple, too basic to be effective. I’ve been having such a profound relationship to it lately that I must share why I wish everyone would start a dry brushing practice:
♡ Dry brushing is such a simple way to support your lymphatic system and hydrate your connective tissue - and it feels SO divine.
♡ WHY do we care about the lymph (actually the interstitial fluid that becomes lymph)? It’s all the other fluid in your body that isn’t blood. It’s your internal hydration - the river of life, truly.
♡ Your lymphatic system is the most powerful aspect of your immune system - it deals with harmful viruses, pathogens, damaged cells, and metabolic waste from cell processes. It works constantly to move them out of your body. It’s major.
♡ Your interstitial fluid/lymph is the fountain of youth, and when supported it’s life changing!
♡ We’re flow systems - a moving body of water never pollutes. A moving hinge never rusts. And the lymph system doesn’t have a pump. It relies on your gentle, light, consistent, movements!
Dry brushing:
~ Greatly reduces inflammation (inflam-aging), drains excess puffiness (stagnancy), soothes the nervous system and eases pain.
~ It circulates and hydrates your connective tissue making your skin softer and tissue less dense and fibrotic.
~ It illuminates your skin from the inside out. Healthy lymph actually GLOWS.
~ Gently exfoliates - GENTLY (the key term) and does so when your skin is the least vulnerable (dry).
~ It’s bangin’ for reducing cellulite because it hydrates tissue and moves trapped, skin-dulling fluids that need to be recirculated.
🌹The lighter the better with dry brushing, like “moving a rose petal through water” - Brenda Olgesby. Make long light strokes all over your body towards your heart, and call me in the morning.
Select a dry-brush that's as soft as possible, with natural bristles, eco-friendly & responsibly sourced.
Cheers to glowing health in the new year!
Love, Krista